
Fallout Shelter APK 1.7.1

Fallout Shelter APK 1.7.1
  • Fallout Shelter APK is coming with its new version 1.7.1. Maybe people will think that Fallout 4 by Bethesda is the main course for playing game and Fallout Shelter becomes the perfect appetizer which can help people to increase their appetite for enjoying the main course. It was offered in devices with iOS platform previously but nowadays there is huge update which people can find from this game after all. This game has been released for Android device. It is not the only interesting thing which people can find from this game because there are a lot of updates of the game which makes the version for new platform much more interesting. This game is offered by introducing a few dangers which are new for players while the mayhem is regularly caused by the radroaches and fires inside the average home of Vault Dweller. The Vaults now can be entered by the Death claws as well as mole rats. The developer of the game said that when the buildings are under construction, there will be more of those dangers which will arrive. Another challenge can also be found from the Raiders who stole resources only such as food and water previously if they can break through the defense of the Vault.

    In this new version, they are also able to steal Caps. Caps are the currency which is used for almost anything when playing this game. It is recommended by the developer for arming every Dweller. However, if they cannot arm their Dweller already, they can station a few people behind the door of the Vault. The launch of Fallout Shelter on Android even is celebrated and the celebration can be enjoyed by all players including the players who play the game on their iOS device. They will get a robot butler, Mister Handy who is not only friendly but also entertaining. The robot butler can be used as alternative to tap and collect resources.

    The robot butler is premium character which can only be found from the lunchboxes which is very hard to get. There are still other updates but it is not really noticeable. Player can make sure that they have enough Caps which can be stolen by the Raiders because the requirement for the daily objectives is reduced. People maybe will notice the floating characters which already have the feet on the floor. One thing for sure, this is the game which should be missed on the Android device because it is loved by iOS users.

    Features of Fallout Shelter 1.7.1 APK for Android
    Fallout Shelter Screenshot 1
  • Fallout Shelter APK 1.7.1 Latest Version

    • Overseers are reporting increased happiness and riches for dwellers returning from quests. We’ve added tons more Quests for these adventurous explorers.
    • New Quest Types – introducing weekly and special limited time quests.
    • Bottle & Cappy, Fallout 4’s Nuka-World mascots are here to bring fun and happiness to your vault. Complete their quest and they will begin to visit your vault bearing gifts!
    • Everyone loves a challenge, so we added new ones.
    • Please don’t tap on the mascots.
  • Apps Reviews

    Vault has been fully occupied. Need to kill off unhappy dwellers so I can get new dwellers. Training all the inhabitants to be super dwellers with full SPECIAL.

Fallout Shelter APK

Developer: Bethesda Softworks LLC Version: 1.7.1 Requirement: 4.1 and up Price: Free
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