Flipagram APK 5, 9-GP

Flipagram APK 5, 9-GP
  • Flipagram APK has been released with the latest version 5.9 - GP. These days, is very important. This can be seen from many people who want to show their existence using many media. The most important media that are often used by a lot of people are social media. There are many kinds of social media that are now very popular as the Trombinoscope, Instragram, twitter, and many kinds of social media. Who it is the media that you can use to display your existence. There are many kinds of existence that shows images, video, and other. It will be very easy for you using Flipagram for Android.

    this app is an application that can be a tool that can make your existence in social media become more spectacular. For those of you who really like to exist, then of course you really love the photo of you, your friends, your family, even your relationship to be uploaded to social media to share your happiness. For this, you want to share the best photos and video that you create. This application will help you change it in the interesting look for video, images, and sounds.

    a lot of images and video will be more interesting to see if do you this kind of compilation that make other spectators who see becomes excited to look anyway. Android Flipagram is one of the android apps that can help you to edit. For example, you want to make the video memory of you and your friend with many types of images of time that are provided. Then, it will be very done as you change is using it, adding images, words that can show your friendship even adding the sounds back to make it easier to listen to. It will be a very interesting thing that can be shared to make you still exist when you want.

    Flipagram 5 features, 9-GP APK for Android
    • Add photos
    • add videos (supported on most Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and Lollipop 5 devices)
    • popular use music clips for free
    • Reflip of Style with 15 filters
    • Get great tastes and comments
    • self-time for Instagram or vine
    • public Flipagrams and to collect more like when you get reflipped
    • channels, like selfies, funny, animals, timelapse to help your Discover popular Flipagram content
    • Flipagram Fan 50 maps of artists most loved about Flipagram
    • beautiful fonts
    • a lot more
    Flipagram Screenshot 1
  • Flipagram 5 APK, 9-GP latest Version

    • share your Flips private with your friends or any group
    • Reflip now allows you to send as private Message
    • chat in real time with Flipagrammers you like
    • send Flipagram DMs to anyone in your address book
    • naming your groups for easy re-use
    • DM
    • several other bug fixes and improvements of performance
  • Apps comments

    easy to use and you have the option to send the file as a link if you want to send it to one person and cannot do by through text.

Flipagram APK

Developer: Flipagram, Inc. Version: 5, 9-GP condition: 4.0.3 and more price: free

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