Doctor of battery (Battery Saver) 5.32 APK

Doctor of battery (Battery Saver) 5.32 APK
  • new battery (Battery Saver) APK 5.32 doctor comes with the best performance. Phone smart for many people recently becomes a very important support for their daily life because you will find different media since the smart phone of simple thing like sending messages to play different kinds of game. People cannot live in this modern world without the support of Smartphone after all. Every time, they will check their smart phone. With different functions that can be made using the smart phone, there is no doubt that the power of the smart phone's battery becomes one very important thing that should be considered. People should be able to manage their battery properly if they want if ensure they can use the smart phone anytime they need.

    , they need the application that can tell them how much battery power that will be used by each application used by smart phone. There are also the app that offers the opportunity to save some power battery with simple changes. This function can be supported by the doctor of the battery for Android, but is not the only support where people can find this application because the overall health of the battery can be increased in charge of the process that is well planned.

    best practice battery is this app after all. It will load the device to certain percentage without leaving the charge process certain slot by using cycles which are less numerous. This application will also give the example users and the opportunities for users to live with them. People will not get any information on the percentage of the battery because this application will provide information on the number of minutes required to complete the charging process. People are able to get tools that can explain and optimize the battery life of the smart phone. This app can provide peace of mind for people who cannot live without their smart phone.

    characteristics of the battery (Battery Saver) 5.32 APK for Android doctor
    • turn off unnecessary applications that drain your battery!
    • task Killer to kill tasks with a single click!
    • kill apps when the screen is off!
    • battery time remaining accurate!
    • remaining duration specific to load!
    • power modes for work/class/sleep schedule and more saving!
    • of unique 3 stage charging system!
    • turn Data/Wifi/Bluetooth!
    • brightness adjustment!
    • management of the CPU (for rooted phones).
    • battery temperature!
    • advice of charge!
    • 15 languages supported!
    • easy to use interface simple!
    Battery Doctor (Battery Saver) Screenshot 1
  • doctor battery (Battery Saver) APK 5.32 latest Version

    • improve load Master - improved identification of battery draining issues during the load
    • known reviews of Apps issues resolved
  • the new notification options are very practical. This app still gets the most out of my battery. Smart monitor is ideal for optimal battery charging.

Battery Doctor APK

Developer: Cheetah Mobile Inc. (NYSE: MBMC) Version: 5.32 condition: varies with device price: free

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