Fate/Grand order APK 1.14.1

Fate/Grand order APK 1.14.1
  • fate/Grand order APK published by Aniplex Inc., which is also the production home of the anime series Fate and the latest version is 1.14.1. The gameplay is quite interesting, especially the combat system and the hardware, which makes me who initially did not follow the series animated, eager to try this game. Game background to save the human race from extinction is expected in 2016. The player will play as 'Master' who control a number of "Servant" to explore the past and discover the mysteries and the origins of these events, save the future of total extinction of the human race. Roughly speaking, Fate / big order using the system, Trading Card Game as the initial basis of this game. Players must collect the highest card of gacha system and upgrade the card to strengthen. This may seem generic, because almost all mobile games using the same system. But what makes this game interesting is the combat system.

    the battle in Fate/Grand order system is quite complicated compared to mobile games on normally. Before you begin the quest, players must be established by group of 6 servant (maybe less), servant 3 at the forefront (2 servant belonging to the player himself, an official belonging to a friend) and 3 others as a backup if a retired official of the first rank, in the battle itself, on the round the player, the player can activate a wide range of innate skills of the servant or the skill of the players themselves. Very powerful, as provided skills a servant receives no damage at all in a tower or add significant damage. It is worth noting that these skills have a long cooldown, so it requires the player activate the wise skill, not to mention the skill affects only the a selected only servant. Each employee has a special bar called "NP". The bar was filled with a special order, and when it is full, the servant may issue the special moment whenever a player is necessary.

    on this screen, the player must be ordered servant 3 times, from 5 commands provided each turn (if a servant, NP bars with 100% upward, then there is the addition of an order for the execution of 'Particular Competence' the servant). Order to attack in this game there are three types, namely "Buster", "Arts" and "fast". "Arts", is the basic command for the agent, in which the servant will attack and stressed the NP charging bar and produced several critical points. "Buster" is a type of attack with full force, the injury resulting is greater between the other two commands, but this command does not add NP bar and not at all critical points. The last is "Fast", the attack of the lowest order of all, but each 99% success produce critical points and adding bar NP, although not as much as 'Arts '. Not only that the sequence of commands also influences the effects, as if the "Buster" is placed in the third order, the level of damage that are generated is higher than if placed in the first order. There is also a system of 'Chain', or when a player is running three commands with the same kind of attack or third order with the same character, in turn will be the special effects that can distort the conditions of battle.

    characteristics of the destiny/big order 1.14.1 APK for Android
    • optimized order card battle of usability of smartphone!
    • players continue to unravel the mystery defeat the enemy memory of puppets become us a master.
    • fight in memory of preference, a strong struggle or style of fighting in the player memory becomes available.
    Fate/Grand Order Screenshot 1
  • fate/Grand order APK 1.14.1 latest Version

    • bugs
  • Apps comments

    look like this game using a lot of RAM. A bit of lag in the middle class smart phone. And I hope that the English language will be available in this game.

Fate Grand Order APK

Developer: Aniplex Inc. Version: 1.14.1 condition: 4.0 and upward price: free

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