Clumsy Ninja APK 1.24.0

Clumsy Ninja APK 1.24.0
  • the APK of Ninja awkward last 1.24.0 for Android has been released, thi is a virtual pet that allows players to interact with the cat on the screen of Android devices. In addition, it also allows players to play the friendly ninja. The hidden heroes of players can realize many kinds of different actions that range from training with different devices to play with several friends including say hello to players. Although the ninja automatically do most of these activities, players are always allowed to interact with him. Similarly, players can also play balls with ninja using the fingers to throw the ball back to him.

    in the gameplay, the players will be more than just the game. This is because the players can customize the appearance of the ninja also giving him different covers and belts. In addition, players can also use those to unlock objects like trampolines or sandbags. This game is really fun mix between the virtual pet and video games. The graphics on this game are simply spectacular. In addition, the drawings of ninja and the ways it is animated really make him look like the real deal.

    for those who want to get several free diamonds in the clumsy Ninja game for Android, you can consider to connect the games on the face book account. After about 20 minutes of the piece, you will be offered opportunities to connect in order to receive about three diamonds. However, you do not have to too fast in the spending of these diamonds since you can save them for the last as on. It will really help you want to unlock the items of mew. To play the awkward Ninja for Android, you just simply type on the foreground area, on the left, to the right, or background. You can make those your android screen. However, it is noted that you don't have to hold and press the ninja, unless you want to swing him around the screen in ragdoll-styles.

    characteristics of the clumsy Ninja 1.24.0 APK for Android
    • belt upward
    • customize & share
    • UNFORGETTABLE first on contact devices!
    Clumsy Ninja Screenshot 1
  • clumsy Ninja APK 1.24.0 latest Version

    • take on the legendary Hori-Bull!
    • nine points - creatures, Robots and more!
    • 6 unique events - participate to win suits.
    • 5 nine suitable for your characters!
  • apps comments

    this is the only game on my phone that I've had for over a year. It is built to be phenomenal, and I can always come back and enjoy after let it sit on the shelf for a while. Or just binge on it for hours.

Clumsy Ninja APK

Developer: NaturalMotionGames Ltd Version: 1.24.0 condition: 2.3.3 and upward price: free

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