Figure Key Guitar And Basic Explanation required Essential Starter

Figure Key Guitar And Basic Explanation required Essential Starter

Figure Key Guitar And Basic Explanation Required essential beginners

to key guitar picture on the internet is becoming an alternative for people who are learning to play the guitar as an autodidact. Although only through images basic key guitar , but is a very effective way to learn the guitar, although only with the direction of a blog post. Of course, it is also very cheap and easy because you do not need to buy a guide book to learn the guitar, all on science bergitar I will share for free on this blog.
How to play guitar is easy for those who are serious in life, but if not, if you are not serious, it will be difficult to master this single instrument. So we need a persistent teach you as well as consistency of practice. If you still have training to play guitar, you will quickly melt with the guitar so it is not difficult to master
See also :. Ukulele locking base for you intend to study classical musical instruments that come from Hawaii, it is very very similar to guitar let alone you are used to carry the song toughened me once not sekrang course very stable.
here, I'll give images of the basic key guitar with an explanation that you can learn without the need for mentors again.

key guitar Figure

A lock

lock image above is the first guitar in the key A. the index is on the ropes 4 column 2, the middle finger on the third string column 2, and the ring on the ropes for 2. 2 columns 6 strings genjreng you do not have to, but channels 1 and 5 must come ringing.

Lock Am

index on Channel 1 column, the middle finger on the strings 4 of the column 2, and ring finger on the third string column 2. as the key of A, 6 strings not sound to still go cords 1 and 5 participated.

lock B

FIG next guitar chord is the key of B, this key is quite complicated so that the flexibility of your hand. His position is, your index finger to press the strings 1 and 5 in column 2, so that the fingers straight and the ring finger on the fourth string column 3 and a finger on the third string column 3. for adult should be used to seal the channel 6 which is triggered.

Bm key

key Bm its position is much the same with the B button, but the difference lies only in the middle finger. If the key and the middle finger is used to cover the six strings, but middle finger Bm key is used to press the strings 2 column 2. For 6 strings remain opted rang.

Lock C

kunci dasar gitar

lock button C is easier than B. the position of the index on second line of the column, the middle finger on the strings 4 columns 2 and ring fingers on the strings 3. 5 column strings that do not participate sounded only 6 channels, others have also arrived.


Very simply, the index channel 3 of the column 2, the next finger the middle of the chain 1 column 2, and ring fingers on the strings 2 column 3 channels 5 and 6 are not sounded while the strings 4 involving sounded like there your Gd

Key Dm

as the D, only the index on the key used to press the strings dm 1 column 1. chain are issued was also always the same as the D key

lock E

key figure guitar you must master the next finger is the position of E. index key is on the third string column 1, the middle finger on fifth string column 2, and the ring on the ropes 4 columns 2. All channels can come.

lock Em

key motif that is very easy because you only need two fingers to shape. Only the middle finger on the fifth string columns 2 and ring fingers on the strings 4 column 2. Like the E key, all strings can be tolled.

button F

key F is quite similar to the key of C, we see the difference. The position of the index finger to press the channels 1 and 2 in column 1 and the middle finger on the third string column 2 and the last is the ring finger on the fourth string column 3. The chains not just strings number 6.

Interlocking G [rang

last base is the key G. index is on the fifth string column 2, middle finger on the first string columns 3 and ring fingers on the strings 6 columns 3. All channels you can ring .
All keys I discussed above is the basic key guitar that must be mastered by a man who was learning to play guitar. Indeed, all the keys are in the key of C = not very used in many songs so the key is also used. For other keys such that F # m key, G #, etc. will be discussed in another article. Hopefully agreement image of the guitar is beneficial

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